We at TOOTHEAL DENTAL CLINIC AND IMPLANT CENTRE provide the best Tooth-Colored Filling. The tooth-colored filling procedure is quick and painless. It takes less than an hour to treat one or two cavities. During your treatment appointment, we will administer local anesthesia to numb the gums and teeth in the treatment area. After the numbing effect sets in, which typically takes 10 to 15 minutes, we will proceed with treatment. First, we will remove any infected tooth material, and then clean the tooth. Next, we will apply the tooth-colored resin (tinted to match the natural shade of your teeth) directly into the cavity that has been left by the tooth decay. We will shape the composite resin material to maintain your natural bite, and harden it with a special curing light. During this process, we will work as efficiently as possible to limit the amount of actual treatment time. In many cases, we can place, cure, and polish your filling in about 15 minutes. Unlike the silver amalgam and gold fillings of the past, tooth-colored fillings blend in with your surrounding tooth structure so no one else can tell that you have had a cavity. Whether you are laughing, speaking, or yawning, all anyone will see is your beautiful, white teeth.

For more details please contact us at 8527366803.

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